Kinky Bar Social December 2023 魅·聚SM沙龙
Thu, 07 Dec
|Location is Revealed at Confirmation

Time & Location
07 Dec 2023, 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm SGT
Location is Revealed at Confirmation
About the event
KinkyMinky.Club Bar Socials - The longest running monthly Kinky/BDSM gathering in Singapore for the kinky, the fetish, the curious, the new and the experienced. Come enjoy an evening of booze, banter, exchange of experiences, sharing of stories etc. All races, genders and age (18+) are welcomed. This is a private venue, so let your kinky selves out and dress up! ^_^ Light play is allowed but let's keep this newbie friendly~
魅·聚SM沙龙——新加坡举办时间最长的SM聚会 诚邀各位初入圈和资深的,喜欢SM的、恋物的、好奇的,一起小酌,探讨分享玩法和经验!欢迎种族、性/别、年龄段(18+)人群参加。场子是绝对私密空间,无外人打扰,可进行轻度play,尽情放开玩耍吧!
- Kinky, Fetish, Flamboyant, Gothic you get the drift OR be boring and come in SEMI FORMAL. Be your kinky selves!
- No gym wear, No casual, No khakis, No Shorts, No bermudas, No Slippers!!! (can't believe I have to list this out)
- We will refuse entry to anyone (without refund) not dressed within the dresscode.
- You will be able to change at the premises, you can arrive in normal clothing
- Smart Casual (or dressy casual) is basically a combination of casual, business casual, and business dress codes, where you can combine them into a "smart" ensemble.
- For Him: This is your opportunity to pair denim with a sport coat. Khakis, trousers, vests, and ties are other great options to bring into the mix. Tip: If opting for jeans, your denim should look somewhat dressy, fresh and sharp with no wear or holes.
- For Her: It's safest to go with nice slacks or a skirt, though you could also wear a nice pair of dark jeans dressed up with a collared or otherwise dressy top. Throw on a blazer for an extra touch of class.
- Tip: For Smart Casual, you should look sharp, stylish, and neatly put together.
着装要求:便装以上,正装以下。在不露点的前提下,可穿上心爱的胶皮衣、变装等,展示最唯美真实的自己~ (可以在场子的洗手间里更衣)
Rules and Regulations
- All events are LGBTQ friendly, please be respectful to all genders!
- We promote the use of P.R.I.C.K ( Personal Responsibility, Informed, Consensual Kink)
- If you are new to the munch, kindly let the mods know. You will be directed for a briefing and introductions before we let you go into the wild
- Respect is KEY here
- Please consider using nicknames if you value privacy, do not reveal private information of others without explicit permission
- Strictly no PHOTOS or VIDEO taking is allowed
- Anyone exhibiting bad/drunk behaviour will be asked to leave
- Do not attempt to touch anyone without expressed permission
- We the mods try to keep our eye out for everyone, however there will always be cases where it slips our All-Seeing Eye. Please report any issues to the moderators immediately, we will keep it anonymous~
We promise we don't bite.. at least not too hard ;p
- 欢迎各性/别认同的人参与,务必尊重他人
- 魅·聚使用 P.R.I.C.K 框架,即:在个人责任、知情和同意下进行任何play
- 初次参加的请在门口让staff知道,会有专人为你做简单的介绍
- 务 必 尊 重 他 人!!!
- 隐私起见建议使用小名或昵称,除非得到他人本人的允许,切勿泄露他人隐私资料
- 场内禁止拍照录像
- 行为不端、发酒疯的会被要求离开
- 除非得到本人允许,不要随意触碰他人
- 如果有任何问题或感到不适,请立即向staff提出,我们将会在保护你隐私的前提下解决问题~
Standard Ticket
This ticket includes entry for 1 and $30 drink vouchers
SGD 35.00Tax: +SGD 2.63 PlatformSale endedProcrastinator Ticket
This ticket includes entry for 1 and $30 drink vouchers
SGD 40.00Tax: +SGD 3.00 PlatformSale ended
SGD 0.00